Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Good morning! It's Tuesday, and that means lots of running around for the folks in the Estes household.  

In all our running, it's also a day of remembering the events of 11 years ago that changed us all forever. I hope we never forget the sacrifices of so many, and the many that have lost their lives in the wars since 9/11. Hug your loved ones today.

Before the craziness starts I wanted to share this little cutie with you all. I just can't get enough of the little porcupine! He's from this exclusive set from Simon Says Stamp. I'm itching to do something with that mushroom, too. So sweet!

I hope your day is filled with the things that bring you hope. <3



  1. I keep checking my mailbox . . . . ;)

  2. That postal service! ;) Better not say that too loud, eh? I'll have half the family after me!
